Brunswick Primary School, Somerhill Road, BN3 1RP

01273 711816

Brunswick Primary School

Achieving success with determination and joy


Accessibility Plan. Click here.

Administration of Medicines Policy. Click here.

Admissions Policy. Click here.

Anti-Bullying Policy. Click here.

Assessment Policy. Click here.

Attendance Policy. Click here.

Charging and Remissions Policy. Click here.

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and Procedures. Click here.

Children with Health Needs who Cannot Attend School Policy. Click here.

Communications Policy. Click here.

Complaints Policy. Click here.

Confidentiality Policy. Click here.

Data Breach Procedure. Click here.

Data Protection Policy. Click here.

De-escalation and Positive Handling Policy. Click here.

Designated Teacher Policy. Click here.

Early Career Teachers (ECT) Policy. Click here.

Early Years Foundation Stage Policy. Click here.

Equalities Policy. Click here.

Equalities Information Leaflet. Click here.

Equalities Objectives. Click here.

Exclusion Policy. Click here.

Food Allergies and Healthy Eating Policy. Click here.

Freedom of Information Policy. Click here.

Governor Allowances Policy. Click here.

Health & Safety Policy. Click here.

Home Visits Policy. Click here.

Intimate Care and Nappy Changing Policy. Click here.

Learning and Teaching Policy. Click here.

Offsite Visits Policy. Click here.

Online Safety Policy. Click here.

Parent, Carer and Visitor Code of Conduct. Click here.

Phonics & Early Reading Policy. Click here.

Photographs and Videos Policy. Click here.

Positive Relationships and Behaviour Regulation policy, Click here.

PSHE (incorporating statutory RSHE) Policy. Click here.

Privacy Notices:

RE Policy. Click here.


The Brighton and Hove Local Offer gives you information on the help and support available locally for children and young people aged 0 to 25 with special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND), and their families. It covers health, education, social care, leisure, preparing for adulthood and more.

Separated Parents Policy - with amendments. Click here.

Subject Access Request Procedure. Click here.

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy. Click here.

Values and Ethos. Click here.

Volunteer Policy. Click here.

Whistleblowing Policy. Click here.


Request for Copies: 

  • If any parent requires a paper copy of any information on this website, we will provide this free of charge. Please contact the office should you require this.  


Pay Statement

In accordance with legislative requirement, we have no staff members whose gross annual salary is £100,000 or more


Information Governance

Data Protection Policy. Click here.

Freedom of Information Policy. Click here.

Online Safety Policy. Click here.

Privacy Notices:

CCTV Policy. Click here.