Brunswick Primary School, Somerhill Road, BN3 1RP

01273 711816

Brunswick Primary School

Achieving success with determination and joy


 Please click on the Ofsted logo to view our latest Ofsted Report.

"Pupils feel safe and learn in calm classrooms. Staff create a caring and nurturing environment. Pupils attend well because they enjoy school. They value the diversity of the pupil population."

"Pupils behave well. The way they conduct themselves as they move around the school site is impressive."

"Pupils benefit from a rich and varied enrichment offer. Clubs are numerous and pupils’ active participation in the school fosters a sense of citizenship."

"Across the school, including in Reception, the individual needs of pupils with SEND are well understood and catered for. Those with the highest levels of need benefit from expert support."

"The school’s highly effective approach to promoting pupils’ personal development is a strength. Pupils’ understanding of healthy relationships is carefully cultivated."

"Breaktimes provide a well-enjoyed opportunity to play with friends. The rich variety of activities available at this time is cherished by pupils. Leadership roles, such as ‘playtime buddies’, help younger pupils socialise, promoting a harmonious school environment."

                                                    OFSTED 2024

Ofsted Report - Click here

School Performance Tables - Click here

Parent View Results - Click here